Personal Blog
A mix of academic insights and personal reflections by Justin Caffrey.
Why do I swim in cold water? Can you?
Would you like to know cold water can improve your health? Boost your immune system and improve your mood? Check out my 5 minute blog on the topic.
Have you considered how your words impact your kids?
Do we spend enough time thinking about how our words can impact our children? Inaction can be as harrowing and painful as action, the lack of attention, the unwilling arm of comfort in the dark can be as damaging the hand that strikes in anger.
Is Meditation a Jedi Power - The one True Source?
Recent studies have shown the benefits of meditation in respect to both our minds (resolving anxiety) and our general wellbeing (Forbes Article from July 2017). The really cool thing about this 'new craze' is that you can join this gym for FREE, you don't need to worry about parking, the right clothes, the hairdryers, or whether they notice when you haven't been in two weeks! Here is the good news: the place for your meditation is with you when you wake, when you eat, when you watch TV, when you sit on the bus, when you wait at an airport, or anywhere where you are on your own with time to step inside yourself.
Stepping into a Vulnerable You
Therapy is key to starting this process if you are suffering. The simple act of sharing our problems already starts to unburden us. The right therapists will help you come to terms with these problems and accept them as being part of you.
At Rock Bottom and Out Of Options
My heart rate had risen sharply, my vision distorted, I could just about make out the faces immediately in front of me, my peripheral vision had failed. I could feel my palms starting to sweat and I was not sure if I was about to pass out.
Banishing fear in order to connect with love
A wise monk once told me that you can only concern yourself with those things you can influence, all else is for someone else.
Drowning in Plastic - facts, options and responsibility
A group of scientists started to monitor the consumption of plastics inside the Shearwater chicks as they start their life. Whilst in the nest, their parents had been feeding them plastic, mistaking it for food.
Latest Research from the Lancet Journal on Alcohol - What should we do?
Drinking alcohol is a major cause of cancer in the over-50s, particularly in women. Previous research has shown that one in 13 breast cancers in the UK were alcohol-related. The study found that globally, 27.1% of cancer deaths in women and 18.9% in men over 50 were linked to their drinking habits.
What is Elite Coaching with Justin?
This is a key question with a rather subjective answer. My caveat to every client is that 'you will get out as much as you put in'. There is homework and also a need to bring a mindset that is willing to change and engage in new concepts.
How do I avoid the Imposter Syndrome?
Have you ever felt like a fraud? Have you ever felt like you were 'not good enough' for your current role, your current business or your current relationship?
How to cope with the negative news cycle
This is a really tough topic to cover. I am not saying that we should not care about the horrendous negative news that we are exposed to on a daily basis, I am simply asking you to exercise caution.
How to build a happier more abundant business and life through effective communication
have bought and sold multiple companies and built businesses in various global jurisdictions. Along with this path, I have created wealth, abundance and happiness within my business and private life.