Wow!!! The list of successful people who meditate is extensive :-)

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Hi everyone!

In case you did not already know the list of successful business people, media stars, financiers and sports stars who credit much of their success to meditation is quite amazing. 

There are very few more amazing in this space than Ray Dalio. Ray is considered to be one of the greatest hedge fund managers in the world, and his track record certainly matches his reputation. However, this is anything but surprising to me.

As someone who has spent much of my life in the financial markets I know better than most the need for a calm mind.

Dalio has been meditating since the late 60's and his worth is estimated to be $18 billion.

He stated that "it helps slow things down so that I can act calmly, even in the face of chaos, just like a ninja in Street Fighter". This statement resonates so strongly with me, as this superpower is the most important and beneficial thing I have taken from meditation over my years of practice and learning.

When a problem strikes you learn to acknowledge it, order it in priority and then conclude whatever it is you are currently working on. This of course is in stark contrast to our normal reaction of panic, dropping whatever it is we are currently working on and then spinning into a tizzy! 

Remember meditation is a practice and practice you must. However, even a few minutes every day over two months will form a habit that you can carry for all of your life. It also allows you to influence your subconscious, change your state of mind and become a healthier, happier human.

(Click to link too the cnbc story)

Be calm my friends, 

Justin Caffrey


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