Going live

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Dear world

I am going live, I am about to open myself to the world and to my friends. I have been on an incredible journey over the past three years. I have faced anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress…. I have abused alcohol and allowed my mental and physical health to deteriorate. 

These issues initially stemmed from the the loss of my 11-month old son Joshua seven years ago, but ultimately I would discover that these issues are older and deeper than the loss of my son. 

I have found a truly happy and purposeful life by simply following a few linear steps on a daily basis. These simple steps allowed me to build a better version of myself, to build Justin Caffrey 2.0. 

This involved a practice of daily meditation, an active lifestyle, a focus on whole-foods and a conscious awareness to show up for myself everyday. On this path I lost significant body weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, quit stressing and quit worrying…… I found me, happiness, harmony and peace of mind. I realised that everything I need in life is already here, it is already inside each and every one of us. 

I will share my ideas and approaches through my site, my blog and via social media. 

Be calm my friends, 


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Wow!!! The list of successful people who meditate is extensive :-)